It seems like this author Adams really chooses to have her heroes as illegitimate sons more than once,where they grow up without family and love and becomes tortured heroes that still manages to stay noble and kind-hearted as they help the poor people but still has a rough exterior that frightens their enemies and they manages to feel more strongly than everyone else.The hero from "Amor Real" had also that past,but in this story the hero has a half-brother he hates completely. She then wrote La intrusa, Bodas de odio and other novels that earned her important awards.Įverything a romantic like me wishes for: passion,angst and everlasting love that changes one forever! Where nothing can separate you from your love.not even death.I have just now finished this telenovela (in fact this review is about this telenovela) "Corazon Salvaje" in English translation "Savage Heart" about the epic love story of the notorious and dangerous Pirate Juan del Diablo (Juan of the Devil) and the gentle and beautiful Countess Monica Altamira.I have to tell you guys one thing,they have to be one of the most beautiful couple ever.ever! Back in Mexico, she wrote Corazón salvaje, a novel that has been adapted to the screen twice and as a telenovela four times (including once as Juan del Diablo in Puerto Rico). Upon the rise of Fidel Castro, she returned to Mexico, where she would remain the rest of her life. She became a chair member of the Ateneo Mexicano de Mujeres and later moved back to Cuba, where she wrote the radionovela Yo no creo en los hombres, which was adapted in Mexico for telenovelas in 19.

She then moved back to Cuba with her parents, and later returned to Mexico, where she kept writing and obtained a role in her only film, Corazón bandolero (1934). She published her first book at the age of 16, titled Pétalos sueltos. She was born to a couple of Cuban actors and she was part of an extended family of artists, being the sister of Venezuelan actor Leon Bravo, one of the pioneers of theater, radio and TV in Venezuela. Caridad Bravo Adams (born on Januin Villahermosa, Tabasco – Augin Mexico City) was a prolific Mexican writer and the most famous telenovela writer worldwide.